Tuesday, July 09, 2019

How to add SAN(subject alternative name) value to the SSL certificate while creating a CSR in IHS7

In IHS7, we don't get the option to add a SAN (subject alternative name) value while creating the csr from ikeyman gui tool. However, If you are using a old version and you still want to add this value, use the following command.

/home/IHS7/bin/gsk7cmd -certreq -create -db key.kdb -pw pass -label lable_name -dn "cn=commonname,OU=organization_unit_name,O=Organisation_name,C=Country_name" -san_dnsname sandnsname -size 2048 -sig_alg SHA2WithRSA -file test.csr

NOTE: In general we use the common name same as the san_dnsname.

Monday, July 01, 2019

Telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file in windows

Alternate commands to telnet in windows or Alternatives to telnet:

Error : 

Telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file in windows environment.

Cause:  Telnet is a utility to check the listening state of a server/remote host port, also to check if the ports are open between two hosts. However, if the telnet utility is not installed in the windows system, You will see the above mentioned error.


Use the alternatives:

Curl :  curl -I "url"



Open the windows power shell from the run promt.


use tnc commands:

tnc syntax : tns Hostname -port portnumber
PS C:\Users\User> tnc google.com -port 80



Install the telnet client:  you can install the telnet utility using the following instructions.

  • In the windows run section, search for "Add or remove programs" 
  •  Click on the Apps & Features section as seen in the left panel.
  •  Scroll down to the Related settings and click on "Programs and Features".
  •  This opens up the control panel section.
  • Click turn windows features on or off.
  • Scroll down and click on the Telnet Client check box and click ok.

  • It might need a windows reboot to enable the telnet client.
  • Once the windows system is rebooted, You can use the telnet client.