In IHS7, we don't get the option to add a SAN (subject alternative name) value while creating the csr from ikeyman gui tool. However, If you are using a old version and you still want to add this value, use the following command.
/home/IHS7/bin/gsk7cmd -certreq -create -db key.kdb -pw pass -label lable_name -dn "cn=commonname,OU=organization_unit_name,O=Organisation_name,C=Country_name" -san_dnsname sandnsname -size 2048 -sig_alg SHA2WithRSA -file test.csr
NOTE: In general we use the common name same as the san_dnsname.
/home/IHS7/bin/gsk7cmd -certreq -create -db key.kdb -pw pass -label lable_name -dn "cn=commonname,OU=organization_unit_name,O=Organisation_name,C=Country_name" -san_dnsname sandnsname -size 2048 -sig_alg SHA2WithRSA -file test.csr
NOTE: In general we use the common name same as the san_dnsname.
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