In order to monitor the listening port on a remote machine, netcat utility is a very simple tool to get the job done.
Installatoin of netcat utility:
Step2: untar the file
gtar -xzf netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz
Step3: navigate to the untarred folder ex:netcat-0.7.1
Step4: ./configure --prefix=/netcat_solaris/netcat (Netcat installation path)
Step5: make and make install
Step6: This would install the netcat utility to your solaris box.
If the port is listening:
bash-3.00# ./nc -zv <remotehostname> 9080
output: <remothostname> [remote IP] 9080 open
If the port is not listening:
bash-3.00# ./nc -zv <remotehostname> 2899
<remotehostname> [<remote IP> ] 2899: Connection refused
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