Monday, January 05, 2015

make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available

The following error is displayed when you are trying to start the IHS webserver.

Error :

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Root Cause :

This error will be displayed when you are trying to start the webserver on 443 port when it is already listening. First you need to check if 443 is listening with the httpd processes running.

If 443 port is listening and you don't see httpd processes running, Then use the following script to check which pid is still listening on 443 and kill the pid. This should free the port.

If 443 port is not listening and you don't see httpd process running. The most probable cause is that you have defined the listen 443 directive twice in httpd.conf file. Check the httpd.conf file for all the 443 port declarations. There has to be only one 443 declaration. Incase if you declared it twice the server will initially start the process on 443 with the first line and will try to start the process again on the second line of 443 declaration. Hence the server will fail as it is already listening and will bring down the server.


  1. How to enable mod_qos and mod_jk module in apache webserver.Because by default it is not get loaded even if we enable and load all the modules also we are not getting it by to get this can anyone help to know further about this ??

  2. you can follow this url and see if you missing anything, as you will have to keep the module under the modules directory and then configure. you can use the following url step by step
