Saturday, February 07, 2015

SSL0223E: SSL Handshake Failed, No certificate.


[Date and Time stamp] [error] [client ip] [ds0] [789] SSL0223E: SSL Handshake Failed, No certificate. 

The above error is seen when the imported server certificate is not made default or if the server certificate is missing. 


-> If the certificate is missing you have to create the certificate and import the certificate using the step6 instruction in the following url.

-> Then use the following command to display the chain of certificates imported in the kdb. You can see the certificate that you have imported in the kdb. This should display the new certificate imported to the kdb.

./gskcmd -cert -list -db /opt/IHS/SSL/key.kdb

-> Even after this you see the error, Make the certificate as default using the following command.
gskcmd -cert -setdefault -label servercertificate -db /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/SSL/key.kdb

Now a quick restart of the apache server should resolve the issue.


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